Proste miluju

slunecn� podzim. Nebo bab� l�to. Nebo co to vlastne v posledn�ch letech je. 

Nen� nic lep��ho, ne� nosit v r�jnu svetr, hodne barev a kecky. Takov� v�kendy m�m nejradeji. Odpracov�no, odstudov�no, odukl�zeno a odvenceno. V hlave pr�zdno, na rtech �smech a v noh�ch chut tancit. 

Douf�m, �e takov�ch podzimn�ch dnu bude je�te hodne. U� jen proto, �e je nejjednodu��� se na takov� den obl�ct. Voln� d��ny, klasick� tricko, cardigan a vesel� kabelka. To je nejpohodlnej�� a nejveselej�� uniforma, kterou by mel vlastnit ka�d�. Bez ohledu na rocn� obdob�, barvu vlasu, vek (ok tady se to trochu limituje, prominte ,,zral�'' d�my) ci c�st t�dne. 


sunny fall. Or Indian summer. Or whatever it is these days. 

There is nothing better than wearing a knit with kick in October. To die for weekends guys. 

Work done, school done, housework done, dog duties done. Nothing in my head, smile on my face and feel like dancing in my legs. 

Hopefully, there will be more days like this. Not only because its so easy to dress up. Mom jeans, classy t-shirt, cardi and happy bag. The most comfortable and happiest uniform of all time. You need to own it. No matter time of year, colour of your hair, age (ok, there might be a small restriction) or anything else. 

What I'm wearing 

ZARA cardigan ; ZARA top ; TOPSHOP jeans ; TOPSHOP kicks ; MOHITO bag ; PARFOIS pendant 

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