jsem neudelala ��dn� ,,fall 2015 must haves'' post, ale kdybych mela zm�nit pouze jednu vec, byly by to prou�ky z budoucnosti.
Zapomente na b�lo modr� pruhy, kter� jsou sice nest�rnouc�, ale trochu nudn�. M�sto toho zalovte v reg�lech a ulovte neco, co hraje v�emi barvami a ruzn�mi ��rkami. Neomezujte se na tenk� prou�ky a nebojte se, �e �irok� pridaj� na kilech. Zkombinujte tenc� a hrub��, cernou i fialovou a vyrazte do boje proti podzimn�m depres�m !
* There is
no fall must haves post yet. But if there is only one piece I can recommend, it must be stripes from future.
Forget about classy navy/white stripes which might be classy but a bit boring too. Instead of that go shopping and hunt something colourful and edgy. Don't look for thin stripes or bicoloured, the crazier the better.
Let's combine thin and thick, black and pink and go fighting the fall depression we all hate.
What I'm wearing
MANGO jacket ; GINA TRICOT knit ; STRADIVARIUS skirt ; MOHITO bag ; MANGO boots
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