Hodne kli��
n�zev cl�nku, ale je to tak. Co v�dy uvedom�m, kdy� l�to konc�?
1. �e Zeme se doopravdy toc�. Bohud�k nebo bohu�el?
2. �e �kola nebyl jen hodne �patn� sen.
3. �e opravdu nem�m pen�ze. T�m p�dem nem�m kab�t, boty, svetry ...
4. �e zacnu b�t o hodinu dr�ve unaven�, proto�e tma zastoup� den.
5. �e v obchodech prestane b�t hromada v�born�ho ovoce a nebudu moct j�st zmrzlinu s t�m, �e v horku se to preci mus�.
Ale abychom nebyli jen na t� chmurn� str�nce veci, otoc�me list.
1. �e dieta ted opravdu nen� dule�it�
2. �e v obchodech prod�vaj� f�ky
3. �e brzy budu sp�t o hodinu d�le
4. �e mo�n�, opravdu jen hodne mo�n�, napadne za mes�c tolik snehu, �e nebudeme muset do �koly nebo do pr�ce
5. �e je dal�� duvod nakupovat bez v�citek. Za ty pen�ze, kter� dle bodu 3- nem�me.
M�te nejak� sv� obl�ben� pro a proti?
Very clich�
name of the post today but it is what it is. What I always think about when summer ends?
1. That Earth really does rotate. Shame.
2. That school was not a bad joke or a nightmare.
3. That I really do not have any money. Which means I do not have coats, knits, shoes etc...
4. That I need to go to bed earlier cause night is longer than day. Darkness takeover
5. That there is no good fruit in supermarkets. Bye bye berries of any kind
But let's be not so dramatic, there are some nice things too. All these little things.
1. That nobody cares about dieting anymore
2. That there are figs in supermarkets
3. That I'm going to sleep longer very soon. Winter tiiiime
4. That maybe, but we're talking about one huge maybe, will be snowing so much that all roads to school and work will be closed in no time
5. That you don't need an alibi for shopping. Shopping for money you don't have according to article no.3-
Do you have your own pros and cons about fall?
*What I'm wearing
MANGO blouse ; TOPSHOP jeans ; MANGO shoes ; ZARA bag
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