tento pr�spevek p�u nachlazen�, najezen� a rozvalen� na sedacce v py�amu, necekejte ode me ��dn� hlub�� moudra. Upr�mne bych sp�e mela pohnout zadkem a udelat neco do �koly. Za nudn� cl�nek o kozack�ch, kter� dr�ve nebo pozdeji budou m�t stejne v�ichni, se tedy predem omlouv�m.
Nicm�ne jsem �tastn�. (Mimo jin�) proto, �e se na podzim/zimu nemus�m vzd�t sukn�, kter�m jsem letos tot�lne podlehla. Letos toti� pri�lo neco, co je hrub�� ne� silonky a hezc� ne� oteplovacky. Kozacky nad kolena. Hodne nad kolena.
I presto, �e hodne lidem budou st�le pripom�nat Pretty Woman z Rodeo Drive, j� si stoj�m za t�m, �e jsou t�m nejpraktictej��m, co leto�n� trendy prinesly.
Nosit je mu�ete ke kr�tk�m i dlouh�m sukn�m (nikdy by to v�ak nemelo vypadat tak, �e nos�te k bot�m pouze kalhotky), �atum nad kolena ale i k �zk�m kalhotum. Kdo m� odvahu mu�e navl�ct pouze maxi svetr.
Upozornen�: Prvotn� bolestiv� ceste domu s krvavou pono�kou se prakticky nevyhnete
I'm writing this post totally lazy, stuffed and kicked back in sofa, don't expect anything too smart this time. Frankly, I should be doing something more useful, like studying. Well, excuse this boring post about shoes which everybody will be wearing sooner or later anyway.
However, I'm happy. (besides other things) because I don't have to say goodbye to all of my skirts which I wear a lot this year. There's something warmer than nylons and nicer than salopettes.
Over the knee boots. Much more than over the knee. Higher.
Even tho there always will be people who think of Pretty Woman and her Rodeo Drive party, I believe its the most useful trend of this fall/winter season.
You can wear them with skirts of any lenght (but you always need to look like you're wearing something more than panties), dresses or skinny jeans. If you're bold enough, mix them with oversized jumper.
Warning: The very painful first walk with many blisters is inevitable
What I'm wearing
GINA TRICOT poncho ; ASOS skirt ; ASOS shoes ; MOHITO bag ; H&M very old hat ; H&M belt
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