jak� je ted, mi naprosto vyhovuje. Letos jsem zamakala na imunite a v poklidu zvl�dla hol� nohy u font�ny (ale pov�me si za p�r dn�, jak na tom budu). Kvuli siln� revolte proti silonk�m, kter� jsem definitivne pohrbila po nedeln� smene, to bylo nezbytne nutn�.
S kolegyn� jsme tuhle re�ily, kdo je vlastne vymyslel a proc ho (samozrejme chlapa) tolik oslavuj�. V�imnete si, mil� d�my, �e telov� nen� nikdy telov�. Bud vypad�te jako nekdo, kdo vylezl po 8 letech z atomov�ho krytu nebo jako nekdo, kdo to prehnal v Bibione se slun�ckem. A ten semi-matt taky nen� zrovna ,,semi'' - na kri�ovatce bych t�m leskem zastavila dopravu. Nemluve o tom, �e vzhledem k dobe trvanlivosti je to pomerne drah� �p�s.
Jedin�, kter� letos beru na milost, jsou ty cern�. Zbytek d�v�m psovi na hran�.
like this could be every year. I've been working hard over the year to be able to go barelegged and pose right next to this fountain (but lets see my immune system in few days). Because of my strong revolt against tights, which are definitely buried after my sunday's shift, it was inevitable.
My boss and I were talking about this crazy invention. Why that man (of course it was a man) is so glorified for something this terrible.
Really, think about it girls, pale is not really pale - you either look like someone who has been livin' in a bomb shelter for 8 years or someone who was too exciting in Spain on the beach. And frankly semi-matt is too shiny to stop all the traffic. Not talking about its lifespan, pretty expensive ,,soon to be leaky'' tights tho.
But still there is an exception (like always) - black tights. That was a good idea mr. X.
What I'm wearing
MANGO jacket ; H&M TREND jumper ; TOPSHOP very old skirt ; TOPSHOP two toned ankle boots ; ZARA bag
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