Nejdra��� profese na svete 

je b�t �enou. Pokud ctou p�nov�, mo�n� budou i souhlasit. Pokud ne, mu�eme porovnat. No schv�lne, o kolik bude n� seznam del��.


P�nov� - d��ny + �ortky, nejak� tricka, mikina, slu�nej�� svetr na nevyhnuteln� slavnostn� pr�le�itosti a bunda. 

D�my - Halenky ve v�ech d�lk�ch ruk�vu, tricka ve v�ech d�lk�ch ruk�vu, �aty, sukne, kalhoty, d��ny, kratasy, svetry, ponca, mikiny, bundy, kab�ty, overaly.


P�nov� - tenisky a jedny letn� ,,na l�tacku''

D�my - �abky, baler�nky na t�ry po obchodech, kozacky k sukni, kotn�kovky ke
kalhotum, podpatky pro men�� zadek a del�� nohy, sand�lky bez podpatku,
tenisky ..

Spodn� pr�dlo: 

P�nov� - z�le�� jestli jsou slipari nebo trenkari

D�my - kalhotky s vysok�m pasem do tech sexy �atu na veceri, tanga, beze�v� kalhotky pod b�l� sukne a kalhoty. Podprsenky s ram�nky, bez ram�nek, cern�, b�l�, telov�, krajkov� a cist�. A ty ceny ...


P�nov� - nejz�kladnej�� zubn� kart�cek a pasta, deodorant a pro vlasat� trocha gelu. 

D�my - po vyps�n� v�ech kosmetick�ch serepeticek a tonizuj�c�ch ml�k byste tento cl�nek prestali definitivne c�st d�le.

Kadern�k, kter� zaslou�� svou samostatnou c�st

P�nov� - strih + myt� v lep��m salonu max 200 kc 

D�my - barven�, str�h�n�, �ehlen�, vlnen�, mel�rov�n�, dve mas�e, myt�, zdravotn� k�ry. V lep��m salonu cca 1000 Kc. Nejl�pe i co 10 t�dnu. 


P�nov� - kapky do nosu pri smrteln� r�me, paralen pri bolesti a velk� spotreba fastum gelu, kterou po v�ech tech hrdinsk�ch sportovn�ch �razech, kter� zachr�nily z�pas, potrebuje co 14 dn�.

D�my - antikoncepce, homeopatika, hygienick� potreby, kontroly na gynekologii, mamalogii

No. Co dodat. My �ensk� to m�me proste drah�. Ka�d� se najde v nejak�m bode, neberte to tedy pros�m jako nevyvratiteln� dogma. Ne ka�d� - vcetne me - del� fajfky u ka�d�ho bodu. Tak ci onak, s nads�zkou lze r�ci, �e b�t �enou je luxus, kter� si nemu�e ka�d� dovolit.

*The most expensive job

is to be a woman. Men might agree or not but lets compare both genders. Just for fun. 


Men - jeans + shorts, few t-shirts, sweatshirt and jacket (from spring to winter)

Women - jeans, trousers, midi mini maxi skirts, dresses, jumpsuits, knits, poncho, coat, jacket, long/short sleeve blouse, long/short sleeve t-shirt. 


Men - kicks and one shoes better for summer

Women - high heels, midi heels, flats, sandals, high heels for smaller butt, high heels for longer legs, boots, ankle boots, over the knee boots, flip flops. Agree 100% with this point


Men - depends on what they like so either boxers or briefs

Women - bra, strapless bra for that nice top, seamless panties, thongs, Bridget Jones panties for that sexy LBD


Men: not much. Tooth brush, toothpaste as the most basic stuff. Then deodorant and time to time a hair gel 

Women: don't need to write that all cause if I do you will stop reading forever. Just imagine all those bottles and tubes in a bathroom. Oops.

Hairdresser who deserves his/her own block

Men: 10 euros at the most for cut and massage

Women: washing, massage, colouring, highlighting, reviving, lenghtening, straghtening and making some cool beach waves. At least 50 euros for a decent creation


Men - drops against that killer runny nose, some paracetamol while he's dying on that runny nose and many tubes of Fastum gel after all his football/hockey/etc. heroic ,,but i won the game'' injuries

Women - contraception, gynecology check ups, breast check ups and all these healthy things which help us survive an ordinary day

Well. This post speaks for itself. Of course, I make fun of this topic little bit, I do not agree with everything 100%. But lets be honest, to be a girl is a pretty expensive business in this world.

What I'm wearing 

MANGO top ; MISS SELFRIDGE skirt ; ALDO espadrilles ; ZARA bag 


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