
nov� m�sto na focen� a jeden pohodln� outfit na proch�zku po meste. Ne v�ak moc praktick�, kdy� behem proch�zky venc�te psa. Pejskari urcite v�...

V l�te se sna��m 100% dodr�ovat pouze jednu jedinou vec - j�st co nejv�ce zmrzliny. Tuhle to byly rovnou tri makedonsk� kopce u n�s v Porube. C�m cokol�dovej��, t�m lep��. 

Jak� je va�e obl�ben� pr�chut? 

*The brand new

place for pictures and one hell of a comfortable outfit for a walk. Not so practical when walking a dog tho. Dog lovers know ... 

During summer, there is only one rule for me - eating as many ice-cream as possible. Recent score - three sweet scoops. The more chocolate the better. 

What's your favourite flavour?

*What I'm wearing 

ZARA knit ; H&M TREND top ; &OTHER STORIES trousers ; &OTHER STORIES flats ; ZARA bag 

Get similar 

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