Boots journey

Kotn�kov� boty

jsou to nejlep��, co podzim nab�z�. Vlastne a� po kab�tech. 

Nicm�ne, jak se vyznat v t� zmeti kr�sn�ch kousku? Jednodu�e, vyberte si styl, kter� nejv�ce unos�te a pak vyberte ten p�r, kter� v�m padl do oka hned. 

Tento podzim se do fin�le nominovaly tyto tri kategorie:

1) Krokod�l� odkaz - nejlep�� volba, pokud jde o me. Jetli�e nos�te sp�e klasick�, jednoduch� kousky, kter� nepodl�haj� trendum, je tohle va�e kategorie. A pokud vsad�te na levnej�� znacky nemus�te se b�t, �e kvuli va�emu stylu chod� nekde po svete krokod�l Dundee bez nohy. 

2) Sametov� stezka - je vhodn� pro nekoho, kdo se neboj� a tak� pro nekoho, kdo ne�ije ve meste pln�m kocic�ch hlav. Stac� toti� jedno neopatrn� �l�pnut� a boty mu�ete vyhodit. Samet toti� sleze stejne tak rychle, jako Twister ze �pejle.

3) 70s Revival - sedmdes�tky zust�vaj� i na podzim a velkou v�hodou je fakt, �e tyto kousky jdou se v��m. Noste je ke zvon�cum, pokud na ne je�te nem�te alergii, k �atum, pokud v�m nen� za podzim zima, ale i k �zk�m kalhotum. Nezapomente ale na to, �e v pr�pade sukn� a �atu by mela jejich d�lka jemne presahovat d�lku kab�tu. Jinak by se mohlo zd�t, �e m�te v pl�nu nejak� to Eso Peso 

*Ankle boots

are the best about upcoming fall days. Right after coats of course. 

Nevertheless, how to choose the best pair of all? Its more simple than you think. Just select the style you are going to wear the most according to you wardrobe and then pick a pair you prefer the most from the very beginning.

This year finalist are:

1) Croco legacy - the best choice for me. If you prefer classy and basic things, go for them. Croco leather spices the rest up. Plus if you prefer or can afford cheaper brands you don't have to worry about crocodile Dundee, cruising rivers legless. 

2) Velvet road - totally fits to those who are not scared of being different. And also great for people who live in a city without pot holed streets. Because once you step into the hole, shoes can be threw up. Because believe me velvet rubs off as easily as nail polish from your beautiful nails. 

3) 70s revival - finally 70s are here to stay for a while plus you can wear them as much as you please. These shoes go with everything. If you aren't hater of flares choose them, if prefer skirts or dresses pair these ankle booties here. This or that remember skirt or dress must be poking out from your coat a bit. Otherwise it looks like you are about to do some shananigans.

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