
je nejlep�� pr�tel cloveka. A j� moc dobre v�m proc. Bylo jen ot�zkou casu, kdy udel�m focen� s Oliverem zelenou. 

Ze startu to bylo nemo�n�, Oliver byl mal� a cestoval v ta�ce. Ted m� 4 mes�ce, 8 kilo a na blogu svou velkou premi�ru. Focen� s n�m je ale st�le stejne nemo�n�. Dve fotografie s n�m jsou asi pametn�, jeliko� pak u� se mi nepodarilo ho udr�et na m�ste. Font�na pln� �pinav� vody za fotografem byla mnohem l�kavej�� ne� nejak� p�zy, za kter� ani nedostal dobrotu. Ch�pete tu demotivaci. 

Nicm�ne, tady ho m�te v cel� sv� kr�se i s m�m pohodov�m ,,jsou tropy'' outfitem, kter� del� Ol�kovi zdaril� krov�. 

K outfitu nezb�v� ne� dodat, �e paradoxne voln� halena s ruk�vem mi behem veder udel� vet�� slu�bu ne� t�lko pod prsa. Zkuste to taky. 


is the best friend of man. And I know why. Taking some pics with Oliver was a matter of time.

From the beginning, it was a Mission Impossible cause he was too little and traveling in my bag. But now, he is 4 months old, has a weight of 8 kgs and a blog premiere. However, shooting with him is Mission Impossible anyway. These two pictures are commemorative because that dirty fountain behind my photograph was much more attractive. What can I say - he's not a poseur. Especially if there is no reward for posing. For him, there is no motivation to obey. 

Anyway, here he is at his best and my outfit and I like his foil. 

This or that, this outfit is great for ,,heat days'' even this blouse has sleeves. For me, much better that crop top. Try and tell. 

What I'm wearing 

H&M TREND old blouse ; ZARA ripped jeans ; &OTHER STORIES flat sandals ; ZARA bag

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