Konecne vysvitlo slunce

co to znamen�? �e je cas vyt�hnout letn� v�kendovou uniformu. 

V podstate je �plne jedno, co si vezmete na sebe. Sukni, �aty nebo d��ny s halenkou. Kl�cov� jsou v�ak boty.

Kdybyste si letos museli koupit pouze jedny jedin� boty, mely by to b�t espadrillky. Mu�ete provetrat nohu v sand�lech nebo se potr�pit v uzavren�ch. Kdo je zvykl�, mu�e s�hnout po verzi na podpatku a kdo ne, ten zustane u ploch� klasiky. Pro fajn�mekry je tady nav�c i �nerovac� verze. 

Zn�te me, j� jich rovnou por�dila v�ce. Neum�m se proste rozhodnout. #guilty 

Vy m�te obl�ben� jak� styl?

*Sun is shining

what does it mean? Summer weekend uniform is here!

Basically, no one cares what you are wearing. Skirt, dress or jeans with blouse. What is crucial is a pair of shoes.

If there is the only pair of shoes you should buy this year, it must be a pair of espadrilles.You can air your feet out with sandals or suffer a bit in closed ones.Who knows how to deal with heels, go for them. On the other hand, if you prefer staying lower, buy flats instead. For real gourmets we have something more spicy - lace up babes. Its everybody's choice. 

If speaking of me - I've got many by now. #guilty of loving shoes and being indecisive. 

Your favourite style?

What I'm wearing

PROMOD kimono ; ZARA top ; ZARA jeans ; FOREVER 21 shoes ; ZARA bag

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