
je neco, cemu mus�te rozhodne prij�t na chut. J� si v�dycky predstavovala overal jako neco, v cem opravujete auto nebo ho myjete se sexy pohyby. Proste takov� pracovn� �bor. A puvodn� v�znam byl opravdu pracovn� �bor. 

Pak ale pri�ly ruzn� materi�ly, trpytky, tr�sne a jin� zdoben�. A j� si rekla, proc to nezkusit. 

Na no�en� je to sice nepraktick�, hlavne pokud se v�m chce na z�chod alespon 3x denne, ale o to vet�� dobrodru�stv� to no�en� je.


is something very tricky and its not everybody's taste. For me it was something like working clothes, something you clean your car in. Well, it was the original meaning of overall.

But then many materials, fringes and other details have come. And then even I thought its something worth trying. 

Ok it might be a bit unpractical while going to a toilet but at least its an adventure. And that counts

What I'm wearing 

MANGO sandals ; ORSAY overall ; MANGO bag

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