
na jednu stranu si ji mus�te predh�net, starat se o ni jako o tchyni - mo�n� i l�pe - ale na druhou stranu? Hodn� holky se dostanou do pekla. Ne do nebe. Do pekla je toti� do�enou �patn� rozhodnut�, kter� udelaly ze sv� dobr� vule. 

V�te jak se to r�k� ,,Za dobrotu, na �ebrotu''. A �e to rozhodne plat� !

Modelov�ch pr�padu lze vz�t hned nespocet, ka�d� necht najde to sv�:

1) ujmete se poulicn�ho kot�tka, kter� v�m do 14 dn� zable�� a zdemoluje cel� byt. A je�te od nej chytnete vzteklinu

2) pust�te pred sebe u pokladny nekoho, kdo m� mal� n�kup. Ten nekdo si vzpomene, �e zapomnel to, to a to..

3) pomu�ete star� babicce pres prechod a policie v�m d� pokutu za prechod na cervenou

4) v obchode z�kaznici prizn�te, �e si koupila derav� tricko a r�dy ji ho vymen�te. Vecer neprojdete kolem ridice s mes�cn�kem a hned v z�pet� ztrat�te sluch�tka

5) pom�h�te nejlep�� kamar�dce a ona v�s pak pomluv� za z�dy, �e jste naivn� kr�vy

6) ve �kole nepou��v�te tah�k a jako jedin� test ned�te. I kdy� jste se ucili. 

A proto dneska st�vkuju. S ko�enkovou bundou si, ve snaze sama sobe uverit, hraju na drsnacku. Zat�m to moc nefunguje, tak treba pr�te. 

Co vy, hodn� nebo zl�?


you curry favour with her, take care of her better than of your mother in law. But on the other hand? Good people go to hell. You know why? Because of Murphy's law. Nice people go to hell for bad decision they did from goodwill.

You know what they say ,,all good deeds will be punished''. Hell right.

Here are some examples. Let's choose one which fits the best

1) you save a small kitty which is gonna destroy your whole flat and infect you with rabies

2) you let someone buy his things at grocery store first but suddenly he starts being choosy

3) you help old woman with crossing the noisy street but then a police office charges you for crossing on red light

4) you are honesr with customer about hole in the thing he buys so you change it from your goodwill. In the evening you won't show your ticket to a driver so you lose your expensive headphones like asap 

5) you do everything for you best friend and she gossips you day after 

6) you don't cheat. Never. Ever. But it always goes wrong for you anyway. At school, at home, no matter where

So I'm on strike today. Trying so hard to be a badass with this jacket I almost believe myself. Almost. Maybe next time

What about you devil or angel ? 

*What I'm wearing

MANGO jacket ; ZARA basic tee ; ZARA skirt ; CONVERSE kicks ; DESIGNER bag 

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