
prijde mi, �e v dne�n� dobe je v�echno o nich. 

V�echny zaj�m�, kolik m�te pr�tel na Facebooku, kolik lid� v�s sleduje na Instagramu a kolik ,,liku'' m�te u jedn� fotky. O v� blog se v podstate zaj�maj�, jen pokud zverejn�te pocet n�v�tevn�ku a cten�ru. Do pr�ce v�s vezmou, ale nejl�pe mus�te umet nekolik ciz�ch jazyku a m�t nekolik let praxe. U z�poctu a zkou�ek sb�r�te body, v pr�ci zji�tujete, �e lidi poc�taj� pen�ze a zaj�m� je, kolik jich maj� a kolik si toho mohou koupit. Kdy� prijdou domu, sjedou na internetu nov� iPhone , proto�e petka u� je out. Pak na sv�m Instagramu zkontroluj�, kolik lid� jim pribylo a pri t� pr�le�itosti rozdaj� p�r dal��ch liku. A tak je to por�d dokola. A j� zji�tuji, �e nejsem jin�.

V�eobecne plat� - c�m vy��� c�slo, t�m l�p. Co r�k�te..


and all about them. 

Everybody cares about the number of friends on your Facebook page, how many people follow you on Instagram and how many ,,likes'' have you got under each pic. They care about your blog only if you have a certain number of visitors and readers and you can have a job only if you speak two or more foreign languages. One is not enough these days. On top of that, you should have some years of experience with similar post. At school you collect points for credits and exams, at work you realize people do count money and care about getting more and more. Because they want to buy more. When they get home, they find iPhone 6 on the internet because iPhone 5 is not cool enough, right? After that they check Insta account to find out how many likes have increased. Meanwhile don't forget to give some likes too. And then, it happens all over again. And I feel I'm not different.

Generally speaking - the higher, the better. What do you think ...

*What I'm wearing 

WAREHOUSE cardigan ; ZARA basic tee ; ORSAY jeans ; ZARA bag ; KURT GEIGER lace heels

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