neboli Price For Food

Vcera jsem narazila na zaj�mavou diskuzi - Kolik utrat�te mes�cne za j�dlo. Odpovedi me docela prekvapily. Na�lo se hodne slecen, kter� mes�cne utrat� za j�dlo 2000 korun. Nemysl�m to nijak zle, ale zamyslela jsem se nad t�m, co takov� slecny j�. 

Ve v�sledku je to toti� jednoduch� matematika - pokud j�te 5x denne tak, jak byste mely, vyjde v�m na den zhruba 70 korun, tedy 13 korun na porci. 

Osobne si ne�iju na vysok� noze, nechod�m po restaurac�ch ani nenakupuji hovez� sv�ckovou s chrestem k veceri. Zato si d�m ovoce, hromadu zeleniny, kurec� maso a kvalitn� orechov� m�sla. Sna��m se j�st tak, at mi to v budoucnu telo nevr�t� i s �roky. Kdy� to tedy vezmu kolem a kolem, prumerne me porce j�dla vyjde na 20-25 korun, co� mes�cne del� nejak�ch 3450 (bez kav�ren a sn�dan� s holkama). 

Zaj�m� me tedy, kolik utrat�te za j�dlo vy a pokud se vlezete pod 3000, tak me zaj�m�, jak to del�te. Pokud j�te stylem obed - vecere, ch�pu.

Na diskuzi se opravdu te��m. 


alias Price For Food

Yesterday, I read an interesting debate about food. How much do you spend for food. Answers were quite unexpected. Many girls say they spend about 2000 Crowns for food monthly (approx 75 euros). Don't take it badly, I just really want to know what those girls eat. 

As a result of that, it's a basic math - if you eat as you should which means 5 times a day, you get 70 crowns per day and 13 crowns for a portion. 

Frankly, I don't live high-life, don't eat at restaurants daily and don't cook steak with asparagus for dinner either. On the other hand, I treat my body cause i believe it pays off. I eat loads of veggies & fruit, lean meat and healthy fats. But overall - I get 20-25 crowns for one portion which makes approx 3450 crowns per month (excluded time to time breakie and coffee with my friend).

As you can see hereinabove, I can't image eating on budget so want to know how do you do. If you do eat on low budget. If you eat lunch - dinner style, ok. 

Looking forward to discussion.

(don't mind a monetary, I count on economy differences)

*What I'm wearing 

ORSAY blouse ; ORSAY  jeans ; MANGO bag ; RIVER ISLAND shoes

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