*Dle slov Jamese Blunta

,,Here we go again''. Znovu v roce 1973. Ko�en� bundicky, trendy minisukne - Mamma Mia! Bude to sice st�t hodne Money, Money, Money, ale zn�te to, I have a Dream, nosit tuhle bundicku cel� jaro, tak�e Gime, Gime, Gime ! 

To u� by ale bylo dost nar�ek na skupinu Abba. 70. l�ta jsou proste nejv�raznej��m trendem leto�n�ho roku. A j� jsem nad�en�. Letos jsem se opravdu na�la. �ensk�, hrav� a proste �ik. I s p�r kousky nav�c vykouzl�te nespocet outfitu. 

J� osobne jsem se rozhodla pro ty dva nejobl�benej�� - semi�ov� s�cko a d��novou sukni na knofl�ky (rozhodne moje jarn� uniforma)

A co jste si vyhl�dli vy ?

*Just like James Blunt sings

,,Here we go again''. 1973 again. Suede jackets, trendy skirts with buttones - Mamma Mia! It'll cost you lot of Money, Money, Money but you know what? I have a Dream to wear this jacket whole spring this year so Gime, Gime, Gime! Well enough of Abba songs. 

70s comeback is the most influential trend this year and I'm thrilled. So my style. Feminine, playful and just so chic. Plus you can do real magic with two pieces only. 

Personally, I adore my suede jacket and denim skirt the most. Will wear them as often as possible. My personal 70s uniform. 

Do you have itch for something special?

*What I'm wearing 

MANGO jacket (find it here) ; H&M tee , MISS SELFRIDGE skirt (buy it here) ; H&M shoes (get them here); NEW LOOK bag 


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