
Jarn� rozpor 

mezi ,,b�t retro'' a ,,ka�lat retro'' se s rostouc� teplotou zvet�uje. Tak ci onak, kdybych si letos mela na�etrit na jednu jedinou vec, byl by to semi�ov� kab�t. 

Abyste mi verili, �e jde opravdu o variabiln� kousek, nam�chala jsem ho se zcela rozd�ln�mi kousky. Prvn� outfit je sestaven z klasick�ch ,,dnes se mi nic nechce'' kousku, zat�mco outfit vpravo pr�mo kric� ,,jsem ABBA fanda''

Mne se trend sedmdes�tek hodne zamlouv�. Je �ensk�, optimistick� a chic. Proto se nebr�n�m ani jedn� mo�nosti.

Jsem holt trochu divergentn�. Co vy?

*Spring divergence

between ,,go retro'' or ,,not give a damn about retro'' gets bigger while temperature goes higher. This or that, if I should save for one thing only, I would choose a suede coat. 

Because I want you to trust me, I've mixed it with many different pieces. First outfit is formed from basic ,,I don't want to do anything at all'' pieces but the second one screams ,,I'm ABBA fan''.

Frankly, I adore this 70s trend because it's very feminine, optimistic and chic. According to that, I can't say no to any of these outfits. What can I say - I'm quite divergent. What about you?

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