RIVER ISLAND kab�t // coat ZARA svetr // knit ZARA boty // shoes MANGO kozacky // high knee boots MANGO kabelka // bag H&M klobouk // hat |
Kombinov�n� barev
V tom jsem mistr nikdy nebyla. M�m sv� obl�ben� barvy a ty kombinuji mezi sebou. Proc? Proto�e jsem na ne zvykl�. Dlouhou dobu jsem nosila pouze cernou a b�lou, co� byla s�zka na jistotu. C�m l�pe se ale c�t�m ve sv� ku�i, t�m v�ce si chci s barvami hr�t.
Prvn�m kruckem je tato kabelka. Padla mi do oka na e-shopu Mango a okam�ite bylo jasno, �e ji mus�m m�t. Je elegantn�, je hezky tvarovan� (a ano, ani trochu nevypad� jako Celin� Trap�ze) a ide�lne barevn�. Snoub� v sobe toti� kombinaci m�ch trech obl�ben�ch barev.
A zn�te to, mal� krucek pro lidstvo, ale velk� skok pro me (upraveno dle potreby)
Douf�m, �e i vy se letos vybarv�te.
*Colour mixing
I've never been good in it. I mean, I have my fav colours and I mix them with each other. Why? Because I'm used to them. I've been only wearing black and white for a long time, tried and true. Now, when I feel myself I start mixing. Being daring and playing with different colours.
This Mango bag was a first step. Nice shape, elegant and formed from beautiful colours (and of course, it does NOT look like Celin� Trap�ze, ehm).
You know what they say: ,,That's one small step for mankind but one giant leap for me'' (a bit changed by me).
Hopefully you all will become nicely coloured this year.
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