all pictures credit ohhcouture |
A vcera jsem na�la nekoho, kdo to splnuje na 100%
Leonie je nejnovej�� pr�rustek v m� blogger sb�rce. C�m me tak rychle zaujala? Hrou.
Jednoduchou hrou d�lek. Uka� X Schovej, Kr�tk� X Dlouh� - to je hlavn� discipl�na, kterou ovl�d�. Je zima, mrzne a� na kost. No - a - co. Por�d mu�ete vypadat dobre, sexy a ne jako ledn� medvedi, upadaj�c� za chuze do zimn�ho sp�nku. Bonus - nebude ti zima devenko.
Lea je proste skvel�m dukazem toho, �e v�echno jde, kdy� se chce.
Hunat� svetry, dlouh� kab�ty, ponca a boty. K tomu krat�� sukni nebo 3/4 kalhoty.
Proste miluju, kdy� nekdo nevypad� jako ka�d� druh� na ulici a je�te se to nestyd� uk�zat.
1:0 pro Leu.
*And I've just met someone like that
Leonie is the newest member of my blogger collection. What do I like the most about her? Her game.
Simple game of lenghts. Show X Hide, Short X Long - this is her best discipline.
It's very cold, it's freezing to death - well, who cares, no hard feelings! You still can look super duper amazing and stay warm at the same time.
Leonie is just an amazing prototype of ,,you can do whatever you want girl'' blogger and she can prove it very quickly.
Cosy, big knits, long coats and even longer poncho. Rebelious shoes and mini mini skirts or 3/4 culottes.
I just love when someone wears something different to other people and isn't scared of showing it!
Well, 1:0 for Lea
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