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C&A bunda // jacket PROMOD svetr // knit PULL&BEAR jeans MANGO boty // shoes H&M kabelka // bag H&M klobouk // hat |
J�, to j� nekdy jsem. Hlavne co se m�ho neuspor�dan�ho domovu t�ce. Pak taky m� neuspor�dan� my�lenky, posed�v�n� v kav�rn�ch a m� netradicn� a mnohdy r�zn� n�zory. Co se toho bujar�ho zbytku boh�msk�ho �ivota t�ce - to me na�test� m�j� a del� ze me jen ,,nekdy'' boh�ma.
Ale letos na jare a v l�te mu�e b�t boh�m ka�d� z n�s. Alespon vzhledove. Kyticky, tr�sne, �nurky, �abickov� rasen�, atp. To v�e dominuje (spolu s prou�ky - opet a zase) leto�n� jarn� a letn� kolekci.
Slevy je�te ani neskoncily, j� stihla vy�d�mat cel� svuj rozpocet a pritom u� zase pokuju po ,,new collection'' ,,new this week'' ,,just arrived''. Zaj�malo by me, co ukonc� tento kolotoc dr�v. Muj znovunabyt� rozum ci bydlen� pod mostem s chlebem v ruce.
No, vzhledem k tomu, �e m�m na ctvrtek napl�novanou cestu do Prahy ...
Well, I'm kinda like this. Especially speaking of my lovely but unarranged home. Then my unarranged thoughts, coffee lounging or my unconventional and sometimes even gutsy opinions. Only the boisterous part of life doesn't belong to me which makes me only half bohemian girl.
But this spring and summer, everyone can be bohemian. At least speaking of design. Flowers, fringes, strings, etc. It all (and stripes - all over again) dominates new collections.
Sale it's not even over and I'm thinking about ,,new collection'', ,,just arrived'', ,,new in''. Seriously thinking about the way it ends - I either will be brought to my senses again or end under a bridge, eating plain bread.
According to my scheduled trip to Prague ...
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