
A tahle je s velk�m M. Proto�e si moc preji, aby si nekter� prestali myslet, �e bloggerky jsou namy�len� a naoko dokonal�, prid�v�m dal�� fotku, kter� nemela b�t publikov�na. Never. Ever. 

Co lze z takov� fotky vyc�st? 

  1. Je velmi teplo. Proto si mnu ruce, kterou cerven� jako repa.

  2. Kousla jsem se do rtu a zhodnotila, �e nejlep�� je si do toho kousat 

  3. ,,Zved�m'' se z m�sta a jdu tu ranku uk�zat Kik 

  4. Nen� zaostrena tak, jak bych si predstavovala 

  5. Um�m velmi dobre odhadnout venkovn� teplotu a prizpusobit ji svuj denn� outfit

  6. Po cca 20 minut�ch po focen� ji� sed�m nekde u hork�ho caje a prem��l�m, �e na vecery si d�m cesnek. Na bacily. Kter� jsem urcite neprivolala jako �aman d�t.

Pokud bude m�t dne�n� fotka stejnou odezvu jako ten minul� set, budu si takov� perly schov�vat a udel�m z nich pravidelnou nedeln� rubriku. 


This time with a capital B. Because I really want to destroy a myth that bloggers are arrogant and flawless just for effect, I've decided to add another perfect blooper which shouldn't be posted. Never. Ever. 

What can you read from this pic?

  1. weather is very warm. That's might be a reason why I'm rubbing my red hands together.

  2. I bit my lip and I told myself I should keep biting.

  3. I'm heading to Kik because I want to show her my bloody lip 

  4. This pic is not as sharp as I want it to be 

  5. I seriously am able to guess outside temperature so I definitely wear something proper

  6. 20 minutes after shooting I'm probably drinking a hot ginger tea and thinking about garlic for dinner. To chase off a baciluss which I hasn't caused by myself for sure. 

If this pic is as successful as the set I posted before, I'm gonna save all pics like this one and will create a new blooper section.

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