MANGO blanket cape
MANGO knit
ZARA loafers


Neco, co mu�ete s klidem slo�it do vet�� kabelky (ne zrovna do takov�, jakou m�m j�) a obl�ct, kdy� se zat�hne a zacne foukat. Kdyby bylo opravdu nejhure a vy jste zapomneli deku na piknik, i tak by se dal pou��t. Jednodu�e receno - all in one. 

Tento je nav�c opravdu tak pr�jemn�, �e pri podzimn�m v�letu do Prahy jsem se pod nej ve vlaku schoulila.

V Praze mel nav�c tehdy i velk� �spech, nejedna slecna me zastavila s ot�zkou, odkud tento kab�tek je. Odpoved najdete jako v�dy v popisku fotek.

*Blanket cape

Something, what can be easily put in a bag (not exactly as big as mine but bigger one is quite ok) and worn again when it's windy or cloudy. If you were in a deep trouble during your picnic session, well you can use it as well. It simple terms - all in one. 

This is even so comfy I was huddled during my trip to Prague last fall. 

And have to say it was extremely successful over there cause many girls were asking me about it. Where did I get it? You can easily find it below pics.

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