
*Life is a beach

r�k�m si, zat�mco kouk�m na tuto fotku. C�t�m morskou sul, v�tr ve slepen�ch vlasech a teplo, kter� hreje. Kdo je�te nevidel tuto kampan, jakoby ne�il.

Z letn�ho snu me ale rychle probud� r�ma, d�ky kter� me pekelne �t�pe nos v okruhu tak 15 ctverecn�ch centimetru. Pri pohledu na bo�sk� spl�vav� �aty si uvedom�m, �e oblecen�, na kter�m mi posledn� 4 dny pri pohledu do skr�ne z�le��, je py�amo. Nejvet�� #fashiontrouble je v�ber jednoho z asi 8 setu py�ama, kter� jsem dostala k V�nocum.

Ty vlasy radeji komentovat nebudu. Zplihl� patvar na hlave letn� nedbal� prosolen� vlny ani zdaleka nepripom�n�.

Na�test� existuje neco jako Instagram, kter� mi nudu behem nemoci (a ucen�) kr�t�.

Jen�e pak jsou tady tak� klasick� zimn� tripy bloggerek a v�ech ostatn�ch lid� z m�dn�ho prumyslu, kter� sleduji. #gosouth nebo #gocaribic jsou jako posledn� hreb�cek do rakve.

Vst�v�m, navl�k�m se do 6 vrstev oblecen� a prokl�n�m neschopnost CC creamu ze Sephory zvl�dnout muj nos.

Venku je tak -168�C a j� si v tramvaji uvedomuji, proc je kolem t�to #chloegirl reklamy takov� boom.

.....Life is a bitch beach.....

*Life is a beach 

talking to myself while staring at this pic. Feelin' a sea salt, wind in glued hair and warm which actually gives warmth. It's very hard to stay unknowing this campaign. 

I'm awake very quickly thanks to my runny nose which is painful in approx 15 square cm area. While looking at the flowing dress, i'm slowly realizing the only clothes matter to me right now is pyjama. The biggest #fashiontrouble is to choose one pyjama set out of the eight I've got for Christmas.

And I'm rather not talking about hair. The messy something on my head is way too distant from negligent salty waves.

Luckily there is Instagram which helps me a lot during this ill and ugly January period. 

On the other hand, it's winter which means lot of bloggers and other fashion people I follow #gosouth or #gocaribic. Sounds like the final nail in my coffin.

Need to get up, get into six layers of warm clothes and curse Sephora CC cream inability

to handle my Rudolph nose. 

It's like -168�C and now I understand the whole excitement about #chloegirl campaign.

....Life is a bitch beach....

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