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SEPHORA extreme liquid lipstick C&A bunda // jacket PROMOD cardigan PULL&BEAR jeans ORSAY halenka // blouse MANGO boty // shoes H&M kabelka // bag PULL&BEAR beanie |
velmi o�emetn� vec. Chlapi se r�no vzbud� a vypadaj� tak, jak vypadali cel� den predt�m. No big deal, v�hra je, kdy� si umyj� zuby a nageluj� si vlasy.
Kdyby tak vy�la ven valn� vet�ina �en - krome tech, kter� u Boha st�ly ve fronte na kr�su jako prvn� - hned by si poslechly vety typu:
- ty jsi nejak� strhan�, m� hodne stresu?
- bo�e, jsi tak bled�! Neleze na tebe neco?
- wow, na takov�ch kruz�ch jsme cvicili ve �kole, �e ty jsi kalila a� do r�na!
- ajaj, tady nekdo potrebuje zoufale kafe
a dal�� vety temto podobn�m. Jasne, prirozen� kr�sa je v�dy v�ce, ne� Halloweensk� maska kategorie #3 neboli Pudrov�, rozt�pej�c� se Lady, ale s�hneme si na srdce. M�lokdo jde do pr�ce, do �koly, na kafe a klidne i do tmav�ho kina nenamalovan�.
J� se tedy prizn�m, nenamalovan� let�m akor�t vyj�mecne nad r�nem do Intersparu. A jak vypad� moje r�no?
Zcela jednodu�e - nejv�ce casu mi zabere hygiena a pr�prava sn�dane s n�sledn�m procesem chladnut� ovesn� ka�e, tak�e jsem si zvykla vst�vat min. 1,5 hodiny pred odchodem. Malov�n� samotn� mi zabere 10 minut z toho.
CC cream, lehk� prody�n� pudr, tv�renka, rasenka a oboc�. Hotovo dvacet.
Jen�e od t� doby co jsem blond�na z Lond�na zac�n�m prich�zet na to, �e s rtenkou je nejvet�� legrace. Tedy dokud se v�m cel� neobtiskne pred pohovorem, �stn� zkou�kou ci dokonce pred �ivotne dule�it�m rande na zuby.
Pro ve�ker� v��e uveden� pekeln� situace jsem ulovila nesl�batelnou, nesl�zatelnou, neodmalovatelnou a vubec zcela nesmrtelnou rtenku ze Sephory. Je to tekut�, extra kryc� rtenka s v�dr�� a� 10 hodin. A tomu verte. Pokud ver�te, kupte si k n� rovnou speci�ln� odlicovac� ml�ko.
Jakou make-up rutinu m�te vy?
something very tricky, right? Men get up and go out. Just like that. You're extremely happy if you see them brushing their teeth and smarten up hair.
If most women go out like that - those who stood in a God's queue first don't count - they probably will hear one of the following senteces:
- you're so gaunt girl, do you experience lot of stress lately?
- gosh, you're pasty - aren't you ill or anything?
- wow, I was doing exercise with the rings like these!
- oh, someone needs a coffee ASAP
and probably many others like that. Sure, natural beauty is the best and its usually better than a Halloween mask called ,,Mrs. powder mask'' but let's be honest. Only few women go to work, school, cinema or for coffee with their beautiful friends ,,barefaced''.
I confess to going for a grocery ,,barefaced'' in the morning only. Time to time. So how does my morning look like?
It's simple cause I need to get up at least 1,5 hour before going somewhere - I love cooking my breakfast so it takes most of the time + cooling down of my delicious oats takes some time too - so I keep the rest quick. CC cream, soft powder, blush, mascara and proofing my brows. 10 minutes and I'm done.
But since I'm a blonde chick I crave a lipstick too. Even it's very hard to manage something like this evil thing. I mean - you put your lipstick on, go to work, for a job interview, to school for your oral exam or - the worst scenerio ever - you go to cinema to meet your potential boyfriend. Then what happen - THE lipstick is stuck on your teeth, perfect. Now you can go home through the drain system.
Because of any kind of these situations I've found an immortal kind of lipstick. I'm talking about Sephora irresistible long lasting (10h) liquid lipstick. I was wearing it for a whole day and it survived food, kiss and water - loads of water.
But what's your make-up routine?
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