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PULL&BEAR cardigan (here) PULL&BEAR tricko // tee (here) ZARA kalhoty // trousers NELLY boty // shoes PIMKIE ta�ka // kabelka H&M klobouk // hat |
To bylo to prvn�, co me napadlo
Cardigan a je�te tak dlouh�? Jak to m� clovek proboha nosit. V lep��m pr�pade mus� clovek vypadat jako v �upanu, v hor��m pr�pade jako muj deda pred 15 lety. Zvedavost je ale mr�ka zl�, a tak jsem se rozhodla, �e si cardigan zkus�m. Jak u� to tak vet�inou b�v�, obratem jsem st�la u pokladny. Sleva -30% na pleten� veci mi pri�la jako jasn� znamen�.
Jak dopadl prvn� ,,live test''? Par�dne. Neco tak pohodln�ho, u�itecn�ho, mekk�ho a stylov�ho jsem nekoupila u� opravdu dlouho.
Pokud tedy je�te v�h�te, zdali letos investovat do cardiganu, udelejte to. Nebudete litovat. Mu�ete ho vz�t k �atum, d��n�m, cern�m skinny a vlastne v�emu, co v�s napadne.
Jen pozor!Nena�ranostob��rstv� je jeden ze 7 hr�chu a verte mi, �e tady zhre��te raz dva. Jeden toti� prestane b�t dost. A hre�it pred V�noci? Snad Je��ek privre oko...
*The first thing which crossed my mind
Cardigan plus longer than usual? Why the hell could anyone wear it? Better, you look like wearing a bathrobe, worse, you look like your granda 15 years ago. Well, curiosity is a little bitch so as quick as I can remember I was trying this. And because you all know me it's not suprising I was standing in front of a cash register very soon. 30% discount on top of it was the right sign.
How did the first ,,trial'' go? Very well, have to admit I've never had anything more comfy, stylish, versatile and softer.
If you're still hesitating either you need it or not, bet you need it. You won't regret. You can wear it with jeans, dress, black skinny or anything else you like.
But be careful! Gluttony is a sin and believe me, you'll be a sinner in no time. One is going to be not enough. And do sinners have nice Christmas? Hopefully Santa will forgive us.
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