MANGO sukne // skirt ZARA svetr // knit PIMKIE kabelka // bag ASOS slipons |
V�ude se l�e
Doma, v pr�ci, v televizi i na internetu. Nejv�ce se v�ak l�e v m�dn�m prumyslu. Proc? proto�e svet iluz� je prece nekdy mnohem hezc� ne� realita.
,,Tohle bude skvele vypadat i na norm�ln�ch �en�ch, nejen na modelk�ch''. ,,Podpatky ze�tihluj� nohy''. ,,Na denn�m svetle ta barva vypad� �plne stejne''. ,,Tento materi�l se vubec nekrc�''.,,To nen� rozp�ran�, to je zakoncen� �vu''.
Zcela nejobl�benej�� a nejroz��renej�� jsou v�ak l�i dve. ,,Tento svetr nen� pruhledn�, uvid�te venku'' a ,,Telov� podprsenka nejde pod oblecen�m jako jedin� videt''. Jo, ocividne.
Nen� to sice tak, �e bych po venku chodila jako reklama na porno ci budila velmi divok� reakce okol�. I tak jsem si pri pohledu na fotky rekla: ,,No do ...'' Nicm�ne zn�te to - pozde bycha honit.
Nechala jsem se proste zl�kat, v�ila se do iluze dvou v��e zm�nen�ch l�� a krutou realitu prehl�dla.
V�sledkem je ponekud vyz�vav� model, kter� mu�e pripom�nat cokoliv ... Treba l�to.
*Everybody lies
At home, at work, even TV or internet lies. But the biggest liar has to be a fashion industry. Why? Because the world of illusion is much nicer than harsh reality.
,,This looks good on normal women too''. ,,Heels make your legs more slim''. ,,This colour looks as good outside as inside''. ,,This material doesn't wrinkle at all''. ,,Oh, it's not unstitched, it's a thread ending.''
But the best lies must be these two. ,,The knit you're about to buy is not transparent'' and ,,Nude bra is invisible under everything''. Obviously, both are true ..
It's not like I stroll outside like a porn commercial or arouse boisterous reactions. But when I'd seen these pics I thought ,,Oh sh**...''. Well, It is too late to say: "If only I could".
I just blindly believed in fashion claims, lived in the world of illusion and forgot to make sure. The result is this outfit which is a bit seductive so it can remind you of anything ... summer maybe.
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