H&M cardigan ZARA ko�ile // shirt PULL&BEAR sukne // skirt MANGO boty // boots ASOSbatoh // backpack WAREHOUSE kab�t // coat |
Proste konecne
Konecne je za mnou to leto�n� ��len� obdob� testu. Rozhodla jsem se nemyslet na to, �e me v lednu cek� kr�sn�ch 5 zkou�ek, na kter� neum�m ani c�rku. Vytesnila jsem to. Zatlacila. Poprela. Ignoruji to. Nev�m jestli je to t�m, �e je letos fakt v�echno te��� nebo jsem po 4. letech na V� jenom l�nej�� a l�nej��. Predmety radeji nebudu jmenovat, jeliko� nikdy nev�te, kdo tady zabloud�. Jen bych r�da zm�nila, �e se nemu�u dockat momentu, kdy moje znalost mikroekonomie konecne spas� cel� svet.
Co se t�m v��m men�?
a) Pro me - budu je�te l�nej��, energictej�� a zrelaxovan�
b)Pro v�s - konecne budete m�t zase co c�st
Proto�e se teprve dost�v�m ze stavu -bez inspirace- do stavu -s inspirac�-, nic v�c u� v�m asi nepov�m. Snad jen to, �e konecne prezentuji svetr, kter� se v�m v�em l�bil na instagramu u� asi dva mes�ce zpet. Co dodat, budme r�di, �e jsem za tu dobu hibernace neobrostla mechem.
*Just finally
Finally, exam time is over. I've decided to not think about 5 more exams in January. Indeed, don't know anything at all. My state of mind says - Don't think about. Bottle it up. Deny it. Ignore it. Don't know if it's just much more difficult this year or my laziness grows bigger after 4 year at uni. Rather won't name any of the knotty subjects cause you never know who visits your blog. But I'm just dying to tell you I still wait for a moment when my microeconomy knowledge saves the whole world.
What's new?
a)For me - i'm gonna be more lazy, energetic and relaxed
b)For you - there will be something to read again
But i'm still recovering from -without inspo- condition to -with inspo- condition so let me breathe a bit and forgive me that there's nothing more to say today. Maybe only one thing - I finally show you the cardigan you all loved two months ago on Instagram. What to say, we all can be happy I haven't become overgrown with moss during the hibernation.
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