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CHOIES kab�t // coat ZARA sukne // skirt ZARA svetr // knit LINDEX kabelka // bag NELLY boty // shoes |
V�echno je nov�
A� na boty, kab�t a kabelku. Tak�e vlastne skoro nic nen� nov�. Alespon ne na tomto outfitu. Schv�lne, kdo z v�s si u� v�iml nov�ho designu web-zpovednice Franche?
Design jsem pl�novala zmenit u� opravdu dlouho, pote�it v�s nec�m promakanej��m, ale zn�te to, m�lo penez, m�lo casu, m�lo n�padu a tak v�echno dohromady. Jen�e historie se nept�, ale ani nezapom�n�, a tak se mi ozvala Sophia z Blog and the City, pro kterou jsem mela mo�nost ps�t cl�nek. Uk�zalo se, �e moje m�za me sleduje u� dlouho a tak mi navrhla, �e mi design udel�. Proste jen tak, z cista jasna. Chtela si to vyzkou�et, proto�e pr�ve rozj�d� business v oblasti webdesignu. Na pokusn�ch kr�l�c�ch zac�n� za o dost men�� poplatek a proto nev�hejte a napi�te ji na sophia@blogandthecity.net (je v tom dost dobr�, kouknete na blog Niky Huk)! M�te v hlave nov� design va�ich str�nek? Sophia je v�ce ne� naklonena v�m pomoci!
A zase nos�m sukne. A sed�m na zemi. V zime ... To nebere konce.
*All new
Except for shoes, coat and bag. So frankly almost nothing is new. At least not speaking of this outfit. Hey, who has already spotted a brand new design of Franche's confessional?
I've been planning to change my blog coat for months you know, to do something better, neat, more professional for you. But there was too little time, money and all together. But history doesn't ask but also doesn't forget about you so my dear Sophia Molen from Blog and the City let me know she wants to help me. Just like that. She wanted to try cause she's about to run her own web design business. She wants very little money for her ,,trials'' which frankly look amazing (see Nika Huk's one) so if you want one too, don't hesitate and let her know on sophia@blogandthecity.net. Sophia is a darling and she is more than willing to help you too!
Oh, and I'm wearing skirts again. Sitting on a ground too. In winter. Neverending story ...
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