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RIVER ISLAND kab�t // coat ZARA halenka // shirt H&M sukne // skirt NELLY boty // shoes ASOS batoh // backpack H&M klobouk // hat |
Ne� zalo��te blog...
... meli byste si uvedomit dve veci. 1) Lid� na v�s budou venku v�dycky divne koukat. Bud fot�te nebo proste vypad�te pr�li� n�padne. 2) Budou se na v�s koukat je�te v�ce divne a� zjist�, �e jste opravdu nekdo, kdo za jednu zimu vynos� 6 kab�tu.
Asi nemus�m dvakr�t r�kat, �e s t�mto kab�tem (vestou?) jsem �spe�ne splnila oba tyto body behem jednoho dne.
Trenckot, kter� je dlouh� skoro a� na zem a nem� ruk�vy + fakt, �e ten kab�t je vylo�ene x-t� v rade.
Proto�e jsem si z toho prestala neco delat, za d�rkov� voucher jsem si objednala kab�t. Ch�pete, cerven� je�te nem�m.
A ted k omluve-v�mluve-vysvetlen�. V zime je kab�t to jedin�, ceho si na v�s lidi v�imnou. Proc se nekdo, koho nezaj�maj� pohledy druh�ch, star� o pov�ivnut� kab�tu? Nev�m, proste me nenapadla lep�� v�mluva.
Ted u� ale konec legrace, vlastn�te nejak� v�stredn� kousek, ve kter�m c�t�te, jak v�s propaluj� pohledy kolemjdouc�ch?
*Before founding a blog ...
...you need to realize two things. 1) People outside will stare at you. Either you take pics or look just too different. 2) They will stare twice more when find out this is your 6th coat in a row and you totally can wear all of them pretty often.
Doesn't have to say twice I met these points by wearing this coat. Super long trench without sleeves + a fact it's my Xth coat?
Because I don't mind anymore I've just ordered a new coat. You know, gift voucher and I haven't owned a red one yet.
Now skip to apology-alibi-explanation. A coat is the only thing people can see on you during fall/winter. Why the hell I care about what people see on me? I don't know, nothing else crossed my mind and I so wanted to use something as an excuse.
But let's be honest for a minute - do you have any kinky clothes in your closet? So kinky that people're looking daggers at you?
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