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Na v�echno m�m odpoved
A nejl�pe je�te i posledn� slovo. Ted ale k veci. Sobotn� ,,ptejte se'' post probehl, je nacase uverejnit odpovedi.
- J� a sport - Do fitka se sna��m chodit 2-4 t�dne, podle toho kolik povinnost� m�m do �koly a jak m�m smeny do pr�ce. Chod�m na zumbu, twerk, posiluju nebo cvic�m doma podle XHIT. Ze sportu tak jedine badminton - nic jin�ho mi proste nejde.
- J� a - M�m instagram, pinterest, votocvohoz, trendbook, m�dn� peklo ... atd. M�m pocit, �e dal�� profil u� bych nezvl�dla. Ne, kec�m - m�m z toho respekt. �plne vid�m ty protivn� lidi, co si potrebuj� vyb�t zlost. A na moderov�n� bych nemela nervy. M�te dotaz? Kdykoliv ho napi�te na Facebook nebo do koment�ru.
- J� a moje vlasy - prvn� barven� trvalo �est hodin. Ted u� jen tri. Umyjem, odbarv�me, umyjem, nabarv�me, umyjem, priprav�me a hotovo. Hned� vlasy me st�ly cestu ke kadernici 2x rocne. Tyhle 5-6x. Ach jo.
- Odkud m�m cernob�l� cardigan? - Z H&M, nov� kolekce. Cena 999. Pad� mi z ramen, rozciluje me to, stahuje mi tricko ale je super. Haha
- J� a Forum Nov� Karolina - na otev�rac� akci v �antovce semnou byli v C&A tak spokojeni, �e me dohodili managementu Fora. Od t� doby s nimi na podobn�ch akc�ch moc r�da spolupracuji. Koho by to zaj�malo - nat�c�m zadarmo.
- J� a n�kupy - Kapitola sama o sobe. V cesku a v kamenn�m obchode m�lokdy, m�loco. Preferuju online n�kupy - velikosti m�m zm�knut� a v�ber je nekonecn�. Miluju Mango, River Island, Warehouse a Nelly. S Asos m�m probl�m - 95% vec� nevypad� tak, jako na fotce. Z kamenn�ch obchodu v CR - Zara, H&M, Lindex, Pull&Bear. Ze zahranicn�ch Other Stories.
- J� a m� vysnen� povol�n� a z�jmy mimo m�du - dodnes lituju toho, �e jsem ne�la na �urnalistiku. M�sto toho se budu muset modlit, abych na�la neco v oblasti marketingu. Vysnen� povol�n� je ale stylista nebo redaktorka. Z�jmy mimo m�du - miluju tanec, varen� a pecen�, filmy a seri�ly (mal� maniak)
- J� a malov�n� - nikdy jsem se nemalovala hodne, tak�e dekuji za lichotky. Zr�dka vych�z�m ven bez tu�ky na oboc� a rasenky. Jinak pou��v�m CC cream od Bourjois, lehk� pudr Isadora a trojbarevnou tv�renku z Body Shopu.
- J� a Praha - pros�m, nezlobte se. Ostravu nem�m r�da. M�m sv�ch tis�c osobn�ch duvodu a hlavne hodne �kared�ch a smutn�ch vzpom�nek. Miluju Prahu takovou, jak� je. I s turistama. M�m r�da tu pulzuj�c� atmosf�ru a volnost, kter� z ulic c��. Ne, nejsem naivn�, ��dn� mesto nen� dokonal�, ale nejak� m�te rad�i a nejak� ne.
- J� a �ivot v zahranic� - ctvrt roku v Lond�ne jako au-pair zmenilo muj n�zor na hodne vec�. Jasne, nen� to 15 let, ale ctvrt roku je ctvrt roku. Nauc�te se, �e hodne vec� mu�e fungovat. �e se k sobe lid� mu�ou chovat i hezky a pr�jemne. �e v�s na �radu neservou a v obchode se na v�s ned�vaj� jako na pr�te�, kter� otravuje. A ten fakt, �e parky opravdu MU�OU vypadat hezky a ciste. Piknik je povinnost. Pokud by mi nevy�el �ivot v Lond�ne, Praha je z�lo�n� pl�n
- J� a designersk� kabelka - m�m. Jednu z Par�e a jednu z Par�sk�. Obe od cloveka, kter� u� mezi n�mi nen�. Jsou to pam�tecn� kousky, kter�ch se nikdy nezbav�m. Krome kvality sebou nesou pr�beh. Jinak si mysl�m, �e designersk� kabelka opravdu nejsou vyhozen� pen�ze. Ostatn� designersk� kousky u� jsou diskutabiln�, ale kabelka ne. Vydr�� v�m x-kr�t d�le ne� ,,nedesignersk�'' a mnohem l�pe se o ni automaticky star�te. Nejde o to, se s n� chlubit, ale m�t kabelku, na kterou je spoleh.
- J� a dovolen� - kdy� jsem byla mal� tatulda n�m sl�bil dovcu na Mauritius. Pak ale pri�la tsunami a nejak z toho se�lo. O neco pozdeji tatulda ode�el na vecnost a j� si rekla, �e ten Mauritius jednou nav�t�v�m i za nej. Mimo to urcite Japonsko a New York.
- J� a m� druh� j� za 10 let - Nejsem ten typ, kter� chce deti. Jestli se zmen�m, ok. �ivot um� b�t krut� a lehc� u� to nebude. Z toho, co jsem si za�ila, m�m strach. A nechci, abych se musela b�t, �e m� hypotetick� deti za�ijou to sam�. Kde se tedy vid�m? �spe�ne rozjet� kari�ra, pr�ce co me bav�, hezk� byt v malebn� c�sti velkomesta, cestov�n�, varen� a objevov�n� skryt�ch kr�s.
Mus�m r�ct, �e dne�n� cl�nek je velmi, velmi vycerp�vaj�c�. Nicm�ne douf�m, �e jste dostali, co jste chteli. Pokud m�te jak�koliv doplnuj�c� dotaz, sem s n�m.
P.S. Dekuji za hezk� ot�zky a snad jsem moc nenudila.
*I have an answer on everything
And the last word too. But let's talk about the important thing. The latest q/a post. Fair enough, let's do this.
- Me and sports - I usually go to a gym 2-4 times/week. Depends on my school duties and work. I love zumba, twerk, I lift or do jogging. If a bit lazy, I watch XHIT and workout at home.
- Me and - Have an instagram, pinterest and many others. I wouldn't handle anything else. No, kinda joking. But still - don't like it that much. Just thinking of all the rude people who need to be mean and I have no nerves to moderate it all. If you have anything to ask me, please feel to ask me here or on my Facebook page.
-Me and my hair - first time, I was sitting at my hairdresser for 6 hours. Yep, really. Now it takes usually aroun 2,5-3 hours. Wash, bleech, wash, dye, wash and finish it. I used to go there twice a year, now i need to go like 5-6 times a year. Ufff
- Where did I get the black and white cardi - new H&M collection guys, super cool but super heavy. Still love it though
- Me and my coverage - I was working for C&A for a while (during an opening event) and they were super satisfied with me. Then they recommended me to our shopping centre management and here I go. I do it for free in case you wanna know
- Me and shopping - Not a fan of czech shops so I usually shop online. I adore River island, Nelly, Mango or Warehouse. Speaking of shops - Zara, H&M and Other Stories a lot. Lindex and Pull&Bear are cool too.
- Me, my dream job and hobbies besides fashion - well, I'm super sad I didn't go to journalism university. Now i study marketing and business and it's kinda boring for me. So, I want to be a stylist or an editor. Besides fashion I love cooking and baking, watching movies (all the time) and dancing.
- Me and make-up - I don't use much. I barely go out without my eyebrows done and mascara but I use CC Bourjois cream, Isadora powder and Body Shop blusher as well. That's all, I promise.
- Me and Prague - Don't like Ostrava at all. I love Prague for the pulse atmosphere and everything else - even tourists.
- Me living abroad - been in London for three months. Love that city so much. I'm not naive I know problems are everywhere but hey, I love parks, people all around, services. Oh I just need to live there. If not I want to live in Prague then.
- Me and designer bag - I have. One from Paris trip and one from Prague. Both are from my ex-boyfriend who's not with us anymore. It's symbolic for me cause it's not only about the bag it's about a story which is connected to it. Plus I think designer bag is the only designer thing which actually worth the money. It's a lifetime investment, don't worry it pays off.
- Me and my dream holiday - when I was younger my daddy promised me Mauritius trip. But tsunami happened and we put off. Then my daddy died but this symbol has left in my head. One day, I will visit Mauritius with him in my heart.
- Me and my soul in 10 years - Frankly, I don't want kids. If I change, Ok then. But for now, I can't imagine having these little people around me. I've lived out many bad things and I don't want to live with that horrible feeling that something bad can happen to them. World can be cruel and it's not going to be better. So I see myself as an successful woman, happy woman with a cozy flat in a big city, travel the world and getting know all secrets.
Have to say this post might be the longest i've ever written here. Sorry for mistakes, I'm writting this at night and im super tired. Also hope you are not bored with this and you've got what you wanted. In case you have an another question, feel free to ask. Thanks for nice questions and have a lovely day
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