MANGO svetr // knit

MANGO sukne // skirt


URBAN OUTFITTERS kabelka  // bag

Pojdme si trochu zabrucet

V�ichni mu�eme b�t mil�, hodn�, pr�tel�t� a ne�kodn� jako stenata. Ale ruku na srdce, v�dy se  najde neco, co n�s priv�d� k ��lenstv�. U me je toho tak na knihu, rozhodla jsem se to proto zkr�tit na prijateln�ch ,,10''

  • mestsk� hromadn� doprava, pretopen� a narvan� tramvaje s protivn�ma lidma, kter� si v pr�zdn�m prostredku mus� sednout s 10 ta�kami vedle v�s. 

  • v�tr a fakt, �e si vlasy nacesu hezky v�dy, kdy� fuc� jako prase. Jako treba vcera

  • kous�n� a odlupov�n� nehtu, kter� je tak protivn�, �e me nut� se na to soustredit

  • je mi l�to, ale nesn��m �prty, kter� mus� v�dy jako prvn� zvednout ruku, dostat pln� pocet bodu, obl�tat v�echny predterm�ny na prvn� pokus a v�nive predn�et prezentace. R�da si pock�m na to, a� mi ti lidi za 20 let reknou, jestli se jich na ty v�sledky nekdo opravdu ptal

  • natekl� nohy po cel�m dni v pr�ci. Nap�chnout na klacek a op�ct

  • �emlovku, r��ov� n�kyp a dal�� paj�dla, kter� me svou oslizlost� stra�� ve snech 

  • vylo�ene o�ral� slecny, nos�c� tricko m�sto �atu a mysl�c� si, �e jsou v�ce sexy ne� Jennifer Aniston

  • klimatizaci a v�echny negativy kolem n� (zimu, pruvan, such� rty, bolav� oci)

  • po�tu a 2 (z 10) otevren� prep�ky v dobe �picky. Sly�ela jsem, �e lidi nemaj� pr�ci ... tak?

  • fakt, �e dostanu pomalu pokutu za prechod na cervenou zat�mco se v�ude beztrestne v�l� bezdomovci a fet�ci (abych ujasnila tento bod - obte�uj�c� jedince)

A ted me uklidnete t�m, �e na sebe taky neco pr�sknete. 

*Let's be unpleasant

We all can be nice, kind and puppy harmless. But let's be honest here, everyone has something what's driving him crazy. I'd rather write a book about it but let's say ,,10 things'' are enough. 

  • city transport, overheated and bursting trams with people who totally need to sit right next to you even the whole tram is pretty empty. 

  • wind and a fact I coif my hair everytime it's super windy. Like yesterday

  • nails biting and flaking which is so annoying I need to keep focusing on

  • guys I really am sorry but I hare those kind of nerds who need to be the best, the first, the only one among everyone just because they need to. I really want to meet these people 20 years later and ask them if they have ever use that perfect results. Just anywhere, anytime 

  • swollen legs after work. Spike it and bake 

  • bread pudding, baked rice pudding etc. It still haunts my dreams. So slimy

  • utterly drunk girls wearing a tee instead of dress and thinking they're more sexy than Jennifer Aniston herself

  • air condition and everything about it - cold, draught, painful eyes and dry lips

  •  postoffice and its two open desks (from 10 possible) during a rush hour. I've heard there is no job...so?

  • a fact i almost got a fine for a red crossing even though there are so many homeless and junkies all around our houses. With no problem

Well, I don't want to be the worst person in the world right now so help me and finger yourself

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