ZARA svetr // knit H&M TREND sukne // skirt ZARA ko�ile // blouse ZARA hodne star� kozacky // super duper old boots PIMKIE kabelka // bag H&M n�hrdeln�k / necklace |
Del�� ne� obvykle?
Letos urcite. Pokud m�te alespon trochu v oblibe Stellu McCartney nebo seversk� giganty Acne, budete vedet, �e d�lka ruk�vu letos opravdu hraje roli. Abych uvedla vec na pravou m�ru, roli to hr�lo v�dy. Nicm�ne heslo, �e dlouh� ruk�vy jsou vytahan� a �kared�, u� neplat�. C�m del��, t�m lep��.
Pokud tedy m�te svetr po babicce, kter� u� ale neco za�il a jde to na nem poznat, k jeho opr�en� nen� lep�� doby ne� t�to.
Mimochodem, pro zmenu me cek� v�let do Prahy. Potrebuji tip na nejlep�� a nej�tulnej�� kav�rnicky a ,,burgr�rnu''. Proste zn�te to, co nevynechat.
*Longer than usual?
This year or never. If you like Stella McCartney or nordic Acne at least a bit, you know that long sleeves really DO matter. To put the record straigh, it always matters. But this year the longer, the better. If your mom said ,,It looks weird or stretched'' now she's the weird one.
So do you have an old knit from your grandma which is totally old and looks this way? Fine, go and grab it cause there is no better time to wear it again.
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