J�dlo je hrozne o�emetn� vec

Trend v m�de v�m bud slu�� nebo ne. Hotovo. Tecka. Ale jak je to s takov�m j�dlem?

J�dlo je mnohem dule�itej�� ne� kdejak� sukne nebo boty, v tom semnou asi souhlas�te. Ne� ale clovek prijde na to, co mu sed� a nesed�, to je beh na dlouhou trat. 

J� si svou anorexi� a experimenty s bramborou/den pekne zavarila. Anorexie jde toti� ruku v ruce s prej�d�n�m a prej�d�n� s probl�my. Jakoby anorexie sama o sobe nestacila. Pak najednou zjist�te, �e kdy� jste zacali j�st norm�lne a zdrave, polovinu vec� mus�te stejne vyradit, proto�e to proste nejde. A ted kter�. Metoda experimentu zabere mes�ce.

To je jeden probl�m. Druh� probl�m jsou ty rady, kter� pri re�en� probl�mu hled�me. 

Jedna strana vin� maso a hl�s� vegetari�nstv�, druh� r�k�, �e cokoliv zv�rec�ho je zlo a vegan je to prav�, pak je tady je�te Whole30, 80/20, Raw a Paleo. Na to, �e jsem je�te pred 5 lety jedla cokoliv v jak�mkoliv mno�stv� a mela se skvele, je tohle te�k� volba. Zbavit se masa, s�ru, jogurtu, peciva, vlocek, lu�tenin, tepeln� �pravy a koneckoncu v�eho. Proc?

A ted me neberte zle, j� sama j�m zdrave. Vzdala jsem se hamburgeru, prehnan�ch sladkost�, fast foodu, sal�mu, apod. A nechyb� mi to. Ale kontrolovat co j�m por�d? Nikam, kde to nen� ,,ko�er'', nej�t? V Ostrave mimochodem nemo�n�, vlezla bych tak do jednoho bistra. 

Uzn�v�m, �e nafoukl� bricho me tr�p�, jsem ochotn� kvuli nemu obl�tat doktory, je mi dokonce i jasn�, �e si za to v�e mu�u sama, ale opravdu je nejak� z v��e uveden�ch ,,Food trendu'' to prav� re�en�? Kam a� jsme ochotni zaj�t? Nen� lep�� u��vat si v�eho s m�rou?

Jak� je v� n�zor? Jste zast�ncem nejak�ho takov�ho �ivotn�ho stylu?

*Food is a problem

Fashion trend either suits you or not. Done. The end. But what about food?

Food is more important than any skirt or shoes, you probably agree with me on this. But before you know what doesn't suit you it takes some time. 

Thanks to my anorexia and ,,one potato per day'' experiment, I have some issues to solve. Cause once you're out and eat normally healthy, you realize it's not the way it was long time ago. There are many things you can't eat because they cause problems to your body. But what kind of food is it? Experiment takes forever so what?

That's the first problem, to realize something's happening. But the second one lies in a solution of your problem. 

Someone thinks meat is the problem so you should be a vegetarian, someone says anything animal is wrong so go vegan. Then we also have Whole30, paleo, raw, 80/20, etc. Well, sounds hard core when I think about my younger me who ate no matter what and was super happy. And now I need to quit meat, legume, cheese, milk, nuts, heating or briefly - everything. For what? 

Don't get me wrong guys, I eat healthy, I quit fast food, burgers, sweets, sausages, etc. and i don't miss any of this. But check everything I eat everyday? Don't go anywhere it's not ,,kosher''? Honestly impossible in Ostrava because I would have to go to the one bistro only. 

I admit i hate my belly bloated and i'm willing to visit many doctors to know where is the problem. And I know it's probably my fault anyway but still - will any of the food trend above help me out of this? Is it better to live? To be moderate? 

What's your opinion? Do you follow any of the trend?

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