WEARING: H&M coat, ZARA knit, ZARA jeans, ZARA shoes, ASOS backpack |
M� kol�e fotek
Um�m tr�dit a mixovat fotky asi tak, jako se um�m obl�ct podle pocas�. Tedy dost blbe. Fotky j�del, Prahy a zoo. Mi� ma�. Nem� to hlavu ani patu. Stejne jako vlnen� svetr a kab�t ve slunecn�m pocas� s 22 stupni.
Nicm�ne na sv� zoo fotky jsem hrd�, je to asi poprv�, co jsem st�la na opacn� strane fot�ku. Jasne, dalo mi to dost pr�ce (a t�mto 10x v�ce ocenuji pr�ci Kik, dvorn� fotografky), ale o to vet�� radost m�m z v�sledku.
Co se v�letu t�ce. Praha nikdy nezklame. Rozhodne ne me. Za tech x v�letu se mi k n� vytvorilo zvl�tn� pouto, kter� neum�m popsat. Z toho mesta jakoby neco volalo ,,Karolinko, vrat se zase''. A j� se vr�t�m r�da. Hlavne do
Palandy, kde me m�lem porazil burger. Je�te ted se pri tom pomy�len� kut�l�m ze schodu. Skoro jako po pondeln� lekci jumpingu, ale o tom zase jindy.
*My collage
I can sort and mix pics as good as I can get dressed according to the weather. Which means badly. Pics of food, Prague, me and zoo. Insanity. This doesn't make any sense. Just like a wool knit with coat while it's sunny and 22�C outside.
Anyway, I'm pretty proud of my pics, it was for the very first time I stood behind a camera. Was it hard? Hell yes, have to admit I appreciate my lovely photographer Kik even more after this. But I am also twice more happy with the result.
Speaking of my trip. Praha never fails. Not me at least. I've been there many times by now and I've created a very special bound with this city. I can't even describe it. It's like something in Prague is screaming my name. And I'm listening and will come back. Especially to Palanda Caf� where I was almost defeated by a burger. I'm still almost rolling when I'm speaking about THAT burger. It's the same like my first lesson of jumping on Monday. But let's talk about this later.
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