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MOTIVI halenka // shirt ZARA jeans ASOS slipons LINDEX kabelka // bag |
Kdybych mela vybrat jeden, kter� me charakterizuje, byla by to lenost a pracovitost.
Ch�pu, je to mo�n� divn� kontrast, ale je to tak.
Lenost je neco, s c�m koketuju hlavne na podzim, hlavne ve �kole a hlavne v oblecen�. Pracovitost funguje co se t�ce c�lu a �kolu, kter� si d�m.
V tomto pr�spevku to ale vyhr�la lenost. Slipons, d��ny, halenka a velk� shopper. Nic v�c, nic m�n. Fotky le��rn�, proto�e jsem byla l�n� i na p�zy. A pak i na �koly do �koly, kter� z�sadne odkl�d�m na posledn� chv�li, abych pak mohla panikarit doma na sedacce a poc�tat kredity po situaci ,,co kdyby''. A pak zac�n� ta pracovitost....
Jak to m�te vy?
P.S. napsat cl�nek mi dnes trvalo rekordn�ch 5 minut. Jdu pod decku a koukat na Survivor.
If I should name only one, it would be a laziness and diligence.
I see it's a bit weird combo but it's the way it is.
Laziness is something what escorts me especially during fall, especially talking about school or outfits.
Diligence works while keeping my promises, goals and tasks.
In this post laziness wins. Slipons, jeans, shopper bag and blouse. Nothing less, nothing more. Photos are incredibly casual cause I were too lazy to pose. And then lazy to do my homeworks which I postponed because I obvi like losing my nerves while sitting on my couch and couting my credit hours just because ,,you never know''. And here comes the diligince.
How about you and your contrast?
P.S. I wrote this post in 5 minutes. Let's bury in a blanket and watch Survivor show. Yayy
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