Ka�d� nen� jako Giselle
a nem� nohy, kter� by mohl vystavovat v mini�ortk�ch pod zadecek. A nebo m�, ale nec�t� se na to. Pak m�te mo�nost nosit samozrejme sukne ruzn�ch d�lek, ale zase - ne ka�d�mu to vyhovuje. J� m�m sukne r�da, ale v�eho s m�rou. Jak tedy vyre�it rostouc� teploty a chut, vz�t si podpatky? Culottes.
Jasne, vypadaj� jako kratasy va�eho t�ty, nejsou ani dlouh�, ani kr�tk�. Nav�c jsou voln�. D�ky zm�nen�m faktum ch�pu, �e jsou nekomu trnem v oku. Zkuste jim ale d�t �anci. Nezkus�, nev�. A verte, �e tohle je pohodl� samo o sobe.
Tip! Pokud m�te no�ky, stejne jako j�, kr�tk� jako detsk� p�rky, noste v�hradne k podpatkum (j� st�le nemu�u odolat temto z
casu na boty!)
*Everyone does not look like Giselle
and hasn't legs for days which should be presented in shorter than short hotpants under your booty. Or maybe someone does but simply doesn't feel good enough. Then, of course, you can wear skirt in many lenghts - mini, midi, ankle lenght, what ever - but it might be boring a bit. Someone wise once said - golden mean. Higher temperature means bigger appetite. So what can you do?
Well, it looks weird, like your dad's bermuda shorts - neither short nor long. Plus baggy. Because of those facts I understand it's hard to give them a chance. But hey - you don't try, you don't know. And if you love comfort, go for them and don't hesitate.
Tip! If you have legs like me - short like a sausage - wear them with heels only. So chic.
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