L�n� dny
Zn�te to, takov� ty dny, kdy jste �kolou nepovinn�, prac� nepol�ben� a dom�c�m �klidem nepoznamenan�. Jedin� v� pl�n je sedet, koukat na seri�ly, j�st, p�t, kecat s kamar�dkama a maxim�lne zvednout zadek kvuli lehk�mu cvicen�.
Jeliko� takov�ch dn� v posledn� dobe moc nen�, sna��m se je maxim�lne vyu��t.
Jak� outfit vol�m?
No, pamatujete na Pokemony a Ashe? Ten si z 99% zvolil pri souboji vern�ho Pikachu. Muj Pikachu je v boji proti lenosti nem�ne vern�. Je slo�en z voln�ch chinos kalhot, voln� halenky, tenisek na platforme a hlavne dlouh�ho cardiganu.
Nev�m, jak to m�te v takov� dny vy, ale j� si pr�te urcite stoupnu ke skr�ni, zakric�m ,,pokebale let'' a pock�m, a� na me vypadne tahle nesmrteln� kombinace, kter� nikdy nezklame.
*Lazy days
You know these days when you don't go to school, don't have to work and housework doesn't mean anything to you. The only plan is sitting, eating, drinking, chatting with your friends and maybe only maybe working out lightly.
Because days like this are less and less often I'm enjoying them twice hard.
What do I wear?
Well, remember Pokemon and mr. Ash? He usually goes for faithful Pikachu. My Pikachu is as good as his when fighting laziness. Its composed of baggy chinos trousers, loose blouse, flatform kicks and - mainly- huge cardigan.
Don't know your process during these days but I see myself in few days, standing in front of my closet, screaming ,,pokeball go'' and waiting for my immortal combination to fall out from it.
*What I'm wearing
PROMOD cardigan // ORSAY blouse // ZARA chinos trousers // TOPSHOP kicks
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