H&M kab�t // coat

H&M ��tek // scarf


ZARA kabelka // bag

LINDEX svetr // knit

ZARA jeans

PULL&BEAR boty // shoes

Rok 2015

je treba zac�t s cist�m �t�tem. Sice a� 5.1, jeliko� jsem si 31.12 dala naivn� predsevzet�, �e se budu nonstop ucit, ale i tak. Pokud se chcete zeptat, jestli jsem se doopravdy ucila - pokud v�s neco Survivor nauc�, tak douf�m, �e to vyu�iju v �ter� na zkou�ce. Ve ctvrtek a v p�tek u� to bude ale vylo�ene ,,Kdo pre�ije''.

V�sledkem je to, za c�m si stoj�m u� x let - predsevzet� jsou nanic. Vzhledem k tomu, kolik lid� bylo 2.1 ve fitku, jsem asi jeden z m�la, kdo si to uvedomil. 

A jak jste na tom letos vy? J�te zdrave, cvic�te pravidelne, v�ce se uc�te a behem slev jste nic nekoupili, proto�e �etr�te? 

*It's 2015

so it has to be started with a clean slate. Well, 5.1 it's a bit late but you know what they say - better late than never. Frankly, I gave myself a naive resolution to study all day all night.  If you really need to ask me if I fulfiled it - let's hope I'll make use of the Survivor reality show on Tuesday. This week will be all about Outwit, Outlast, Outplay at school.

The result is something what i know for ages - New Year's resolutions suck. But given a number of people at a gym on Friday I might be one of few people who realize it. 

What about you and New Year's resolution? Do you eat clean, workout daily, study more and don't go to a store during a sale period because you save your money?

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