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NELLY bunda // jacket H&M TREND ko�ile // blouse ZARA kalhoty / jeans ZARA boty // kicks ASOS batoh // backpack |
Pr�ce by n�s mela bavit
Zn� to hezky, ale je to kli��. Komu z n�s se po�test� delat to, co ho bav�. J� to �test� m�m. Pr�ce v Orsay je sice drina, ale stoj� to za to. Proc to ale re��m?
Z jednoho prost�ho duvodu. Kdy� je va�e pr�ce va�e hobby, mu�e se to zvrtnout. Jste chemik, r�d v�nive m�ch�te slouceni - a b�c. Jste jadern� fyzik, atom je v� mal� br�ka, ze kter�ho se po x let�m dlub�n� mu�e st�t nov� bomba. Nebo taky mu�ete b�t virolog, kter� v z�palu pr�ce vytvor� zmutovan� vir, kter� zabije celou planetu.
Na z�ver ale m�me vubec tu nejhor�� kombinaci, jakou si jen dok�ete predstavit. Spr�vne, jste m�dn� maniak a mak�te v obchode s hadrama. S hadrama, na kter� m�te person�ln� slevu. A k tomu jen jednu v�platu a �cty na krku. U� vid�te tu katastrofu?
* We should enjoy our work
Sounds nice but it's a clich�. Let's be honest, not many of us are lucky enough to do what we love doing. Frankly, I'm one of these people. I love my new job for Orsay store. Its hard but it worth it. Why am I talking about it though?
Only one reason - If your work is your hobby as well it can be tricky and dangerous. For example, you're a chemist you love mixing compounds - boom. You can be a nuclear physicist, an atom is your younger brother but after years of tinkering you've finally created an atomic bomb. Or you are a virologist who creates in a heat of exploring a virus which probably will wipe out all the people on Eearth.
In the end - here comes the worst combo ever. You're right. You are a fashion manic and work at fashion store, have fringe benefits and only one payroll. And bills. Can you feel the problem?
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