ZARA vrchn� svetr // upper knit
MANGO svetr�k // knit
ZARA d��ny // jeans
ASOS boty // slipons

St�hat v�echno proste nejde

Jak vidno, neco se v posledn� dobe deje. Pr�spevky rozhodne neprib�vaj� tak, jak by mely. Zaprv� - mrz� me to. Zadruh� - je to naprosto moje chyba, ��dn� v�mluvy. 

St�hat dom�cnost, �kolu, pr�ci, blog, cvicen� alespon 3x t�dne a do toho v�echny sv� mil� je proste insane. Jasne, �e nejsem jedin�. Nemus�te me litovat, jen jsem chtela vysvetlit, kde je ten h�cek. 

Ohledne outfitu - obrovsk�m a ide�ln�m trendem jsou dva svetry najednou. Jeden je norm�ln� a druh� je doplnek. Neco jako ��la. Inspirac� je samozrejme Stella McCartney, kter� m� na starost leto�n� #knitmadness. Jak�koliv norm�ln� svetr, na kter� jste zvykl�, je proste out. Vypad� to dobre, zahreje to, ale kab�t si na to d�vat nezkou�ejte. Ani ho pros�m neuvazujte z druh� strany.

*We can't manage everything

It's obvious that something's happening over here. Posts are published less and less. Firstly - I'm sorry, secondly - It's my fault so no excuses. 

To manage a household, school, work, blog, gym at least 3 times a week and everything around it's impossible. I know i'm not the only one and ain't complainin'. I just want to say I'm sorry about that and explain it a bit. 

Speaking of outfit - a huge trend of this year: Knit matters. Wear one normally and second as an accessory. Something like a scarf. The whole #knitmadness is in charge of Stella McCartney who says everything about a normal knit is so out this season. 

It looks cool, its warm but don't even try it wearing a coat on top of this. And please don't tie it from the other side either.

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