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RIVER ISLAND kab�t // coat ASOS �aty NELLY boty // shoes ASOS batoh // backpack H&M klobouk // hat |
S teplotou se opravdu nepr�tel�m
U� jednou jsem zminovala, �e z�sadne neum�m odhadnout venkovn� teplotu (ani predpoved mi nepomu�e). Jsem presne ten typ, co se nech� zm�st de�tem nebo sluncem. Jednoduch� rovnice. Slunce = teplo, d�t = zima. V posledn�ch dnech �la teplota rapidne dolu. R�no je kolem nuly, co� si jak vidno odm�t�m priznat. Dopad� to potom samozrejme tak, �e doslova let�m na tramvaj, kde se 20 minut ohr�v�m a pripravuji na venkovn� ,,prebeh'' do pr�ce/fitka/�koly, kde se znovu ohr�v�m. R�k�m tomu ,,kolobeh ohrevu''
S c�m v�ak nepoc�t�m opravdu nikdy, jsou plastov� sedacky v tramvaji, kter� mou teorii o zahr�v�n� moc nen�sleduj� a dr�� si venkovn� teplotu. Dekuji, postoj�m.
I tak si stoj�m za t�m, �e od nuly nahoru sukne, od nuly dolu oteplovacky.
A kde je va�e pomysln� mez?
*Temperature is not friend of mine
I've already mentioned once I'm not able to guess outside temperature (nope, forecast is not helping). I'm that kind of girl who is influenced by rain or sun. It's simple. Sun = hot, rain = cold. But temperature goes down these days and as you can see I don't want to admit. That results in a morning fast and furious tram run where I warm myself up for 20 minutes. Then I'm prepared for fast and furious run number two - to school/gym/work where I need to warm myself up for much longer. I call this ,,The warming cycle''.
But there is something I don't expect - plastic tram seats. These seats don't follow my warming cycle at all so it keeps the outside temperature. Rather stand, thanks.
However my opinion lasts - Zero and above means skirt, zero and below means salopettes.
And where is your notional skirt limit?
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